(no subject)

Jun 13, 2005 22:11

"fuck, hs is over, this is fucked up, after this summer im not gunna live on long island anymore, im gunna miss people so much, even the people that i just see and dont talk to, so many people i wanted to be friends with but never was, people i had crushes on since elemntary school, enemies, im never gunna see any of these people ever agian...i dunno its weird...i cried in italian cuz my teacher started to cry and it was sad, after i got that outta my system i just hugged a lot of random people that i hardly know haha o well...
on another note senior pranks were a good laugh, fireworks in the gym, condoms of the doorknobs, mice, glue on the keyhole (that was actually funny) smoke bombs, stink bombs, wood rods, dead squids, fire drills, paints balls...o myyy"

fister's deadjournal entry from the last day of school. makes perfect sense now.
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