
Jan 11, 2010 19:52

Logs List

Hello Doctor: Hojo, the new Doctor on board, meets the 'little girl' who is supposed to be his work colleague, Orihime Inoue.
A Face From the Past: Dr. Hojo examines Zexion, somebody who he met in the past, under another name.
Routine Examination: The Doctor examines 'Crow', who promises to be a most interesting specimen.
Completion: The professor ends up with a late-evening examination of surprisingly capable crew member, Justin.
Coworker: Professor Hojo meets Ariane Emory, a coworker that he is certain he will not get along with.
The Banquet: Hojo attends the Amestris Banquet and meets King Bradley, Doctor Chase and Kazutaka Muraki
Chess: Othar Tryggvassen descends on Hojo while in a lounge. Chess follows.
Coffee Shop: Hojo goes to test out the coffee at Mr. H's new shop.
Infirmary Visit: Jean Havoc visits Hojo in the Infirmary for an injured wrist.
Light-Fingered Colleagues: Ariane Emory annoys Hojo by using his equipment without his permission.
Ghosts and Idiots: Hojo has the misfortune of encountering Othar Trygvassen, GENTLEMAN ADVENTURER! again, while looking into the Amestris' ghost invasion.
The Cabin Boy: Hojo gives a job to Isa. They don't get on.
Antrim: When in Antrim, the doctor heads to the Hospital. There, he meets a Jagermonster.
Arrogant Fanboy: Hojo meets Szayel Apollo Granz, the newest recruit in the Infirmary. He, despite his age, appears to be familiar with Hojo's work.
Lock-In: Ariane and Hojo lock themselves into the Infirmary while the ship is under siege from evil monster-painting... things.
No Sympathy: Isa finds himself injured during the siege and ends up being treated by Hojo.
Mindreader: Hojo has a tense talk with Deanna Troi on the way to the Infirmary.
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