Aug 27, 2005 02:38
That title usually comes before an unbelieveable story,all of us have read one once in our lives.That has nothing to do with what im going to say now.Have you ever been so sad that you were weak from the pain,well,thats me right now,im straining to type this entry because if i dont,i will go to bed with it in my head.I have no one to talk to,no one to see,no one to hold right now,im alone.I had to drive a certain girlfriend and son of mine to their home,the whole way i was trying not to crash because my hands couldnt keep grip of the steering wheel...on the way home i wasnt so careful.I dont care who reads this enrty,i dont care who reads any of my entries in fact.I have actually never felt this way before,its almost indiscribeable.I need to go to bed,i feel like im going to puke,i wish i had someone to talk to,but then again,i wish alot of things...the eyelash i wished on today...the didnt come true....I havent cried like this since my dad died.