Apr 08, 2004 15:41
Weird thing happaned today. A militant black man (actually, he may have been a wonderful guy just in a bad mood and i'm just in a racist mood so i use the word militant)almost hit me with his car today. The first thing that came to my head, and i'm being honest here, was "jackass...wait black people can't be jackass" does anybody else think of jackasses as white people or is it just me.
On another note, what is with all the advertisments for Green Bean Casserole? Isn't that more of a thanksgiving/Christmas dish? I don't know. It just feels like they are trying to make Easter Thanksgiving and that's not cool in my book. Side bar: don't eat libby's green beans. They have catapillars in them.
Speaking of easter has anyone seen the damn easterbunny toys R us commercial. It's annoying, a bit scary,and often i have nightmares.
We need to all hang!