New Discoveries from 2007

Dec 15, 2007 16:01

I'm sort of copping
autumn__sweater's year-end system here, trying to stay away from lists and make this a little more personal.

Kevin Shea, Peter Evans, with a side of Moppa Elliott:

Talibam! - Ordination of the Gobetrotting Conscripts [Azul Discografica] and like 6 other CDs, records, tapes.  When I ordered stuff from them, it showed up via bicycle messenger in a scotch-taped brown paper bag.  One of their CDs came packaged in a cut-up Liberace LP sleeve with their name spray painted on the front.  Awesome.

The  Peter Evans Quartet - s/t [Firehouse 12] Also, Taylor Ho Bynum's Middle Picture on this label is some fantastic cornet work.

Mostly Other People Do the Killing - Shamokin!!! [Hot Cup]

These are some guys collectively devoted to giving jazz the Wile E. Coyote treatment.  Kevin Shea's a free jazz drummer (also with Storm & Stress, People and a whole bunch of other bands) and Peter Evans plays trumpet on all these, while Elliot leads them both in MOPDtK.  Talibam!'s the wildest of a the bunch, a free jazz noise trio sort of akin to Lightning Bolt in spirit and sound, but not afraid to step off that mold either.  The Evans Quartet is the closest to straight (serious) free jazz, but retains energy and fun throughout, never getting locked into anything too navel-gazing.  And the MOPDtK disc is like a slice of classic jazz and bop where everyone's so exuberantly pumped to be swingin' that they begin to trip over their own feet, roll down the hill and off the cliff.  All the tracks are named after towns in PA nobody in the band has ever been to, with the last one a twenty minute attack on A Night In Tunisia (I assume there's a Tunisia in PA perhaps?) kick started by several minutes of hilarious quotes from Shea on his kit (including U2, fer chrissake) before launching into the most balls out version of the standard they could muster, all M. Coyote with his rocketbelt on and the plateau fast approaching.

Talibam! - "Rambo's Passeggiata"
Peter Evans Quartet - "!!!!!"
MOPDtK - "Lover"
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