
Jun 11, 2002 11:35

Well, first of all let me say that I'm looking forward to Quarter end Review tonight. I think it'll be a lot of fun. Break a leg everyone!

Yesterday I had my musical theatre final and my Mom came. She really loved it. The whole thing made me think about how much I've improved over the last year. My singing hasn't really improved but my acting and my ability to act while I sing has improved 100%. I'm so excited about everything. I just love it and I love learning all new techniques and tactics. I'm always looking for new ways to improve. And if I've come this far in one year I can't wait to see how things are going to be at the end of four years. I love the musical theatre final. Everyone looks so nice all dressed up and they all did a fabulous job performing. My Mom loved it.

Then I took my Mom to the commons. She really liked it and she got in for free. haha, my Mom is so great.

Later on I had my voice lab final which I thought went pretty well too and Hustzi gave me some great suggestions for improvement.

Then I rehearsed my scene for the play writing workshop and memorized my monologue for tomorrow. Parry even helped me with my monologue for this morning's 30C class. William allowed us to come in and do a final showing of our 3rd monologue for extra credit. Then he worked with me a little bit on my play writing workshop monologue and stayed after and talked to Parry, Cheryl and I. He told us which of our monologues he liked best and techniques for auditioning for next year. Then we discussed his wife's performance. It was a really great talk. I've really enjoyed his class. Afterwards I took Parry to Starbucks for a thank you for driving me to the barn every Tuesday and Thursday all quarter.

Today I'm going to hang out with Sarah and Tasha either at the beach or otherwise. Tomorrow's the play writing workshop, so if you're still in town, it's at 8pm in the Little Theatre.
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