Good heavens it's nearly Christmas! I have been quite seriously ill on and off for a couple of months but seem to be genuinely better in the last few days so here's hoping. This newfound clarity of thought probably ought to be applied to Xmas shopping and some initial reading for an essay on literary metaphors but possibly "View From the Cheap Seats" might get a look in as well.
I have written various iterations of a review of this season's DW but most of them were probably unfair, so I will settle for saying that
I liked the frog.
What I am genuinely enjoying at the moment is The Prisoner audio dramas, thanks to iPlayer. I have seen enough bits of the TV series here and there to know all the tropes while never seeing enough to really follow what there is of the plot or characterisation. Audio dramas fit in my rather restless life much better than sitting down and watching TV. I found one of the DW War Doctor audios and really liked that as well. I'm just a bit overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of Big Finish audio dramas (and their price). Still, iPlayer throws up a good series or two quite regularly as long as I remember to check the site.