Dec 14, 2006 23:31
ok so shauna did this and now wont tell me what number i am so i'm getting her back and never telling her what number she is.
so here's 10 friends and see if you can pick out which one is you i wont tell you if you got yours right unless you get all 10 right (which i doubt anyone will do)
1-you have been here for me no matter what, even when i'm a bitch and push you away. i told you you would be my maid of honor in my wedding and that will still be true when i get married!!! if it wasnt for you i'd be going insane and completly alone this world. thank your for everything. bffl!
2- you piss me off alot because you make fun of me 24/7, you just never know when to quit it. maybe if we hang out alone more you will be nicer.
3- i miss you so much, i dont know how i dealt without you because i cant do it anymore. you're not here and you were my only friend here sometimes. every good memory i have with a group of friends has you in it.
4- ok you're worried about always wondering if I'M MAD AT YOU?!?!? YOU'RE the one ALWAYS angry at someone or bitching about someone behind their back. you want me to smile once in a while, well maybe if all your stupid friends stopped making fun of me and everyone stopped telling me how stupid i am ( including you ) then i would smile, but after being raised in a broken home you dont just smile for no reason. you dont know what is like to have your mother place a restraining order on your father, you dont know what its like to watch your grandparents and stepfather gang up on your dad and scream at him while you watch from the window. you dont know what its like to be manipulated by your mother against your father. you dont know what its like to go to a school where no one will be friends with you because they think you're going to kill yourself the next day so they dont want to bother. you dont know what its like to go to school with 4 cousins who hate you. i've had 17 years of hearing shit from everyone. you do something wrong and then refuse to feel guilty about it, fine whatever. i cant even get mad at you without you turning it around on me. you are just like everyone else always telling me i'm always wrong. fine i give up. thats why i'm not happy anymore. cause i'm just giving up to everyone who has a problem with me. i cant deal with stupid stoners who hate me, stupid sluts who get drunk all the time and then look down on ME and then my best friends getting mad at me because i get sad. i cant please everyone and thats why i'm sad.
5- i wish you werent always sick...i need you alot in school, not even to talk about my problems. i just love our fun little conversations about stuff no one else would ever think of. you're like another big addition to jackie and denny lol. i take comfort in the fact that i'll always have a big sister around, even when i got to college cause hopefully we'll both be in boston like we talked about!
6- you come off as such a "nice guy" but you're really not. your such an asshole. you KNOW how much you mean to me, you KNOW i put more into this friendship than you do, you KNOW i would take a bullet for you, but the sad thing wouldnt even call 911 let alone take a bullet for me. you have showed me that not everyone stuck up is a jock who gets drunk all the time. stuck up snobs are found at the skatepark and on the mountain. i've cried right infront of you and you were the one who made me cry. you dont care. you never will. i always wished we would be best friends because i wanted a guy best friend, for some reason i can never connect well with guys, well you reminded me i never will.
7- i never see you anymore, you say it makes you sad but i doubt it. you've got enough other ppl in your life to make you happy. i wonder if you'd even notice if i just dissapeared.
8- we dont talk and it doesnt even phase me. i wish i could be sad but i'm just so sick of being put down, when i think of all the fun times we've had together it hurts too much. i guess thats why it doesnt phase me...i won't let it.
9- you are the happiest person i know. even though i've seen you sad, you still make anyone's day awesome! plus you're pretty much perfect on top of it with everything else you do. yeah def. wish i could be you!
10- you smell. haven't you heard of a shower?!? they're amazing! try one!!!