junior year sucks

Oct 19, 2006 21:15

Everyone told me this year was gonna suck, and did i listen?? NOOO! i had to go and be all optimistic about it.

You know where that got me?

Having the suckiest year ever. I am so sick of people taking me for granted. and EVERYONE does it. i give and i give to people. i try my hardest to cheer up my friends when they're having a bad day. i TRY to listen to people when they are upset but i can't help it if i think its the most retarded thing i've ever heard that you're in love with 5 different people. some people just need to calm their hormones!!! You dont even talk to me anymore because i dont think its healthy to "be in love with" five people at once and you only see one of them face to face on a daily basis. i might sound like i'm being debbie downer from south park but COME ON!!! i'm sick of throwing parties for people and then not getting invited to theirs! i'm sick of my friends going to concerts without me.

maybe i'm asking for alot, but its not too hard for me to just hang out with my friends. when alyssa complained me and shauna "werent hanging out the three of us like we used to" i didnt say "stop complaining about it, you always complain" like she did when i used to be upset the three of us never hung out. its ok if she misses it but if i missed i was being a whiner. WHAT THE FUCK?!?! how does this work out??? i would be so depressed and thinking my friends were leaving me all the time if people werent always making plans and NEVER inviting me.

dont even try to say "oh well   you work so we didnt know if you were working or not" this is why ppl EFFING PLAN AHEAD!!!!!! they only do that when they really wanna hang out someone though, i guess no one really wants to hang out with me.

i'm sorry to the people who do care i dont want you to think this is about you its just stuff i'm sick of in general and i really cant live like this anymore i'm close to breaking point. i shouldnt have to "have something wrong wtih me" to get my friends to make plans with me. and i shouldnt be chasing after people to make plans.right now i'm just thinking "fuck it if you're really my friend you'll make plans with me, im DONE chasing you"
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