(no subject)

Jun 16, 2008 12:51

Things just feel so terrible right now. I can't deal with this whole break up thing. I feel so defeated. I still try talking to him more often than I should and it never seems like he wants to talk to me, and you would think I would just get the hint, but he's my best friend, or he was, and it's just like twice as heartbreaking to lose that connection. It also really doesn't help that I don't have very many friends around here right now, and the ones that I do have aren't always the most reliable. It just doesn't seem fair because I did everything I could for friends in the past who were hurting, but right now I don't really feel like I have anyone to depend on. I know I need to be independent, but just right now trying to get over a break up is so hard to deal with when I'm spending the majority of my time alone.

Also there is this whole thing with my uncle and his wife and I just recently found out so much that I had no idea about and it's just awful. I want to do something to help, but I don't really think there is much I can really do.

I just want everything to be okay, you know?
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