Dec 02, 2009 09:50
As of late I've been busy. It's a nice change.
I've nearly finished kitchen renovations. I have to get my butt in gear with the painting (Why are you so tall walls WAHY!?) and then it'll be done for now. There's things that I'd like to do, however they require money which as for many people, it's pretty sparse.
"The Adventures of Holly and Snowflake" stared up on Monday. I'm enjoying myself, but also have heavily mixed emotions about everything. More later...
Today, I'm gonna drive out to Pasadena and see if IPM (The "International Puppet Museum")would mind some extra volunteer hands. Sounds really intense, but remember people, There's no money in puppets. That being said, I'm pretty sure that they're based out of a church and run a really small operation. However the up side to this is that there's a chance I get to learn alot about puppets, possibly work on some restoration, and get hands on experience with the ability to possibly look in depth at the puppets that have mechanical insides (something I have a hard time envisioning).
But if I don't get off this machine and eat something I'll be really late.