Oct 26, 2009 23:38
There were fire fighters at my place today. Any time I see a fire truck i think, "OH GOD AND EMERGENCY IS HAPPENING." Due to the fact that the fire fighting paramedic have always been the fastest responders in all my emergency experiences. Luckily no one in the complex was hurt or injured. I ended up talking to the Driver as I was unloading my car. Apparently they were here to re-familiarize themselves with the complex because it's on a list of odd-complexes that could be problematic for fire-fighting. Nice guys. Meant to ask them which station, and where it was (not for any sexual type reason, I didn't "want to tap that" as some may say). I appreciated their desire to be on top of the game, even if it was their job.
I did learn that the fire pump near the third building don't actually have water in it. There would have to be a second fire truck to pour water into an access point lower down on the property which would then pump it up to that "red boy" and that the truck they were driveing around only had a 20ft ladder, which was not long enough to get to the 4th story, and it only stores about 500gallons of water. Good thin I'm in the 2nd building which only has 3 stories. This complex is on the side of a hill which complicates everything.