Speak to a screw driver.

Oct 30, 2007 01:02

You my fuzzy faced friends do not know the meaning of sorrow. It is callous, it is ugly and it smells like your grandmothers week old dairy farts. Beyond that it is something that will eat you aura whole. And without an aura what are you? Stupid that's what. There aren't enough aura's to go around anymore so they're are reserved for those people who are not stupid. The interesting part about this though, is you don't realize that you've lost your aura. You know when you've gotten it, you may forget that you have one, but you don't know that it's been taken away. It's the catch 22 of the aura world. Any one can lose their aura or have it removed. Some of the smartest beings have lost it. Freud was the proud owner of an aura at one point in his life. But it was some point during his dream theory that it walked away from him. When you lose it you tend to just keep going in the same direction you where going before. A few lucky ones have found their lost auras, stumbling around till they re-discover it. But when it's taken away there's no going back. It is believed that one might be able to receive a new aura. One that is shiny and untarnished. But there are no documented cases as of this moment. There could be now, as that moment has passed, but 'twould bring on a frivolous discussion about time, and what a waste it would be.

The point being is that once a person is entirely consumed with sorrow they lose any sort of aura that they once had. They can't mourn the thing they don't know they ever had. And that is a terrible existence.

aura, fuzzy faced, stories, tales, sorrow

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