Jul 29, 2007 15:59
With Taming done I've decided that today is my hole up in the house and do nothing day. I've only left once and that was to put the internet bill in the mail. Though upon checking the mail I have recieved a massive eletric bill of which I am greatly confused.. I do not understand how the first three days that I was in the apartment could come out to $20. The bill they origionally had given my was $14.50 or so for a whole month so where this is coming from I've no idea. But as today is my hole up in the house and do nothing day I plan on calling them tomorrow. That and I am going to talk to my mom and Carmen before hand to find out what the typical average eletrical bill would be.
I who have never lived in an appartment before am unsure of the serious ness of this bill but have a feeling that they are very very wrong seeing as we've NEVER even used the Air Conditioner at all. Turned it on once to make sure it worked but them proceeded to turn it off right away. so having an eletric bill that is over $100 for what appears to be one month and only two people, and I who lives to be the Eletrizity nazi and is constanly keeping things off, really makes no sence. I think they screwed up again.
and there's that.
I want the reminice about taming and the last night with that company at the
elvis bar... but I am tired of typeing and have grown hungry.
I must look up things to do in New York... Day trips there during vacation should hope to make Conn Vacation more exciting.
5 days till the plane flight.
new york,