Jun 10, 2007 01:19
Yay for graduation, and a happy one to Dan Pearson!!! Hurray!!
Got up early to leave from the apartments. Dropped my bagels *kerplop* face down on the assfault in front of garage #15/16 and got into Riverside at 9 o'clock ish. Went to the graduation. It was pretty graduationy.. Don't know why Mr. Lutringer got TWO apreciation gifts.. there are many a teach I liked better.. namely because I never had the man and it seemed a might rude to first off not give one to everyone and secondly randomly give one teacher multiple gifts.
Mulled around in the massive crowd on the sidewalk because this year the auditorium closed off the lower meeting place for some unknown reason and most of ND half blocked the traffice.
Spent the rest of the day basically at the Pearson's friendly abode. Food, frivolity, friends and fun times abounded. Oh and Fire. That is always worth mentioning. Which makes me think about Avatar, but really that's a whole nother post. I got to talk with Mikala (speellling i r bad at) alot. It takes a large amount of energy to talk to such a posotive person, it was almost intimidateing. Though I tend to feed off what energy others give me and it was nice to feel super energized for a while.. then my tiredness started to catch up to me like the stock market crash right before the great depression.. jk
I'm going to miss the Pearsons if/when they all disappear up to that rumoredly magical world of Seatle.
I missed Matt's concert and I hope it went well.
I've recently made a pact with myself in an attempt to better my memory, every night I'm trying to remember some specific detail about something that happened through out my day. Since I'm at home and lack the notebook I've been doing this in I figured I'd put it here. The easyest thing at the moment was the changes to the Pearson house. Some nice tables appears, carpets where changed, painting happened, it looked really sharp.
A slightly more challengeing bit would be the nifty building behind the firestation in downtown riverside. It is a red brick building in serious need of repair. A large portion of the building is fine, but the furthers back bit, what looked like an upstaris and a down staris section of the building where severly damaged. I don't know what would cause such damage, and seeing as it wasn't roped off and there were no cranes or any sort of building equipent around I assumed that it was a collapse or some other remotly natural disaster. There were two stari cases, one leading from the ground floor up to the second floor and on that would lead up to the third floor from the second. Of course the problem with that is there were no actual floors or ceilings for that matter. The staris rose from whatever was supporting them and stoped at their respective walls but that was it, no where to go. The famouse fiddler song would be 1/3 or the way to his goal of 3 stariscases, having nailed the ones just for show.
teh broken,
notre dame,
falling down