May 27, 2007 11:15
When did I become the sort of person who really cares about her grades? My GPA as of right this minute rests on getting an A or A- in Images of Jesus. Which means that it rests on my PAPER being graded an as seeing as I bombed the final. The final, 3 essays, none of which I could answer fully is not going to help me. Right now I have a 3.57 something with one A, one A-, and two B+es. My science 100 class was pass no pass so it'll have no effect. But what's really bumming me out is the fact that I got a B+ in Acting for the camera. I've never gotten anything lower than an A- on any acting class since my history of being here. But suddenly there it is. And damn if the final for Drama Lit history didn't carry a shitload of weight. I did everything else that the class required and got an A on the paper (take that JWP graders) yet came out with a B+ WHAT THE CRAP!! That basically means that the tests had some serious weight. And that I probably bombed both of those.
So now I'm pissed about that. This basically means that NEVER in my live will I EVER have straight A's which would be such a proud moment just personally. Though I never expected the Theatre classes to drop below an A... I don't know what happened other than carrying to many classes. I had no boyfriends, no relationship interests, didn't become a drunken partier, there was no massive lifestyle change, and I didn't have any sort of illness that would knock me out of school for any length of time. I'm just confused about it.
The 105th birthday happened!! The Combined 21st birthday celebration of Myself, Kevin, Cortez, Michael, and Victor happened in Vegas this thursday -Saturday. Together we have lived 105 years of awesome! And Gabe was there! It was good times, though now I'm not feeling like posting more about it. There's only so many times when the fam is at church an I'm not.
One last thing, I think I'm done with Fast Food for a while. we ate at Jack in the box and I got sick again. Not sick to the same massive level as last monday, but I definetly could not move for a number of hours. So I'm not going to be eating Fast food for a while. Though I might make an exception for Taqueria De Andas because they're so tasty.
birthday 21,