I do Love Avatar. There are many reasons, ONE is because it's a great American made cartoon/anime which is becoming harder to come by. BUT Today the love of avatar is spurned from episode 14 of Book one that I am curently watching. I find that the combination of animals to get interestingly new yet still recognizable animals in this world highly interesting. I like that they don't call these creations by funky names but are based on what they cam from. Like this one,
This is the platypus bear. Exacutlly what it looks like. And it lays eggs. Odd, but loveable. In the back of the platypus bear is Appa... the flyig yak thing. I can never remember what Appa is, but if it's not a Yak it's still in the Yak family.
That's Momo, Ang's lemer.. it can also fly. Interesting and cute but not a green blob or a fox with extra tails called something else. I'm picking on pokemon.
I'll go watch it again and refrain from spewing to much more love.