- Opening is proscenium- it evolves into the round but closed off at beginning
- Actors need to commit to nonsense dialogue
- Some random (nonspecific) circular movement D.S.
- Text and sub text need to cleaner, cues picked up.
- Get them all on the same page.
Except for the opening moment, you use the space pretty well.
So says professor Bradac.
I know the first note, I knew it before we even showed, but I didn't want to change it up ten minutes before. I understand that life often does that to you but I'm not a professional director and I'm not about to pretend that I am. So that's easily fixable.
Commiting to the nonsence dialouge I understand, but am not sure how to push them into it. I'm thinking that the Soap Opera Exersize might help, if you get really ridiclous sometimes stuff like that helps. I've got to find a way to make them act like kids during that. I know that I used to make up my own language with my friends when I was younger, it's similar to that.
I have no idea what the random none specific movement note is about. Well, I understand what he's trying to say, but I'm doing it in the round so I'm not sure where the DS would be. I don't even say DS or US in my rehersals, I point to a section or tell them the name of the block they're near or between. So saying that I need to fix the random movment DS is problematic.
We were barely off book on wednesday, so the need to pick up cues makes sence, there are periods where it drags when it should be snappy. And I'm pretty sure that the subtext of the situation hasn't really been touched on. But last time the subtext exersize worked and I'm thinking that it will again.
Hopefully all this will suceed in getting them on the same page. Energy needs to go up. I'm personally stuck playing in the sadder upsetting sweet side of relationships, but there are some awesome things to be done with the cute aspects of relationships.
Sorry that I rambled on about this, but hey, this is my journal and this is what's been stressing me out and hence I want to write about it. So you can sit back and skip this if it's a problem.
BA BLOCKING!! Hopefully that's the easy and quick thing to change.
My shoulder hurts again.
Falling back is awesome. I woke up at ten and by the time that I did all my stuff it was Ten again. pretty awesome. Like going back in time. I'm almost as cool as Hiro, but not quite yet.
SOME ONE NEEDS TO GET YESTERDAYS SNL UP ONLINE. The Beck musical play was awesome. I want video of the Puppet band. And of pretty much everything on that episode.. Mainly the stuff for the Queen's hotel stay.