I bought some wood. Tomorrow I will finish the higly simple shelf to save me from another terrible mishap.. which actually truth be told, I was pissed at myself but I didn't end up missing the practical. The teacher fainted the monday before and spent 5 days in the hospital. SOO I could probably eliminate 2 or 3 of those fucks and just be pissed at myself for not getting up on time rather than because I didn't get up on time AND because I missed class.
I cast my scene today. Freaking 4 hours watching auditions. The Freshmen are pretty tallented. Literally walked out of the building and many of the directors sat down and started calling people. I was nervouse that I woudn't get my first to picks. But by some chance I did. I got them both. And though they're physically different than what I'd been thinking origionaly, they both auditioned well, so that's all good. We're meeting monday, I really hope I'm ready for this, but damn I do not.
Did you know they're selling Jones soda in the can now? I didn't and was surprised to find them in target. All the flavors were there in the can and only a few in the awesome bottles. I didn't end up getting any but I got Unburried Treasue AND Pirates Booty from Trader Joes for a comparision taste test. I remember pirates booty being really good, but price to quantity ratio has me hopeing that Unburried Tresure is better.
So tomorrow is sit down and crunch day, do all my homework and some errands before D&D again.
D&D with Jared today was surpriseingly fun. Most of the time was spent createing characters and introduceing Alex to the game... It's going to be insane if we ever get Xander and Enrique and Alex all playing at once. The level of wit in one game probably shouldn't be legal. But they live together and the world hasn't ended so all should be well.
Bull leaned fromone upstairs window, and the young colored maid from another,ironically cheering. He told her on the Maine coast, on the sea-washed rocks, bymoonlight. Some day were going to have a penthouse onEast End Avenue! Planish rolled across the room moreslowly.
But I think your heartis still in our backwoods.
And you might just as well get ready to take a tumble to yourself! He says you handled a lot of publicity for the JapaneseGovernment a few years ago.
He says you handled a lot of publicity for the JapaneseGovernment a few years ago.
Austin Bull and hewere already in doctoral robes, very gloomy and priestly andproper. Austin Bull and hewere already in doctoral robes, very gloomy and priestly andproper.
His good-bye to Teckla was a kiss so brotherly that even he wasdisgusted. It alsotells you how you may distribute copies of this eBook if you want to.
And howd I like to be MINISTER to Cuba or Sweden!
Whatyou overlook is that I do want to take this job, and I fully intendto.
Or who doesnt care even if you HAVE become a stuffed shirt.
She turned on the Colonel in a sunburst of sweetness.
Then Teckla said to a young Gideon, Now youre happy.
Planish hada long-distance call from Kinnikinick:That you, Gideon?
Youre going to bring your husband and sit up on the platform, likea crown princess, arent you?
Some of these old devils out here are horriblyon.
Ill pay yourtuition, and pay you twenty dollars a week while youre learning. Nobodyin New York cares about anybody else. But I think your heartis still in our backwoods.
Young people today have no discipline, like youand I were brought up to.
Planish hada long-distance call from Kinnikinick:That you, Gideon?
No, no, my boy,you better get wise to yourself.
We could get away every summer, andcome to New York or, after the war, go to Paris. Hed be bold and masculine and put his foot down and gohome to Kinnikinick. Then on the radio I heard a ballyhooer who callshimself Charles B. Edith Mintonwho had been so admirably icy.
You might just as well get ready to come along.
Maybeyoull be quite useful to the crass Blizzard machine, some day.
and that is how one cleans a shank after cutting the heart of your enemy.
Yay for vinnie's modern game!
Oh I must look through the 99 scenes and pick three. Headshots at some point and .. stuff.
Must read play again. Know Object, super object, motivation, generall idea of blocking, and anything else I think that the actors might ask for.