Aug 30, 2005 16:55
I've never understood how people could break up and then still be friends. Like really. NEVER. There was the idea in my mind that maybe if they didn't date for long then maybe I could understand. But you know.. It just never made sence that if you really got attached to them I just never could understnad it.
Well there's my refletive moment of the day. I supose I should move on.
umm.. It's hard to concentrate while listening to Dane Cook (THANKS JARED!!!!)
Building a Character is looking to transform into a good thing. Today Professor Washington attempted to break down the whole images that we have about ourselves. Ah the classes that try and to build you up and tear you down at the same time. Ain't it great. They'll be giving to all sorts of confidence builders and ways to break down internal problems but at the same time they tell you that you're future is pretty much shit unless you're damn lucky or so talented that it's ridlous. Anyway. We stood in front of Mirors today as Professor Washington asked different questions about this and that. It gets intense really because if you think about it there's not many times that a person actually stops and looks at themselves in peices or as a whole. Normally I just look at my eyebrows or teeth just quick enough to make sure that everything is reasonable and I'm out. No confronting the image that has built up around you or the labels that people attach to you. As I noted the things I think about myself and the few problems that I have I coudn't help but notice when Professor Washington asked where these ideas come from I couldn't tell.
I wanted to blame society. But really it couldn't be all societies fault, I'm not that interested in Fame, Forutune and all those things. I don't read any tabliods and I don't follow the celebrities. I know that it comes from else where but unless I'm sucking it up subconsoiusly I don't really think that I'm to conserned about society.
I wanted to blame my family. The only thing I can think of is thay my dad is a larger guy and he was a larger kid and is very observant of who is larger and who is not. It's the first thing he notices and the first thing that he talks about when that person isn't around. It's also the way he describes people when asking me about them. Like the other day when the guys all came over to my house to swm (cause it was hot at davids) my parents came home later and were around as we all sat and ate. The next day he asked me who the meican guy sitting over there was, "You know the one who was bigger. He was chubby and seemd rather portly." (Not exact words) He was talking about Cortez. Cortez is not fat. He might have been or thought he was during HS (I heard about it alot) but he's not. So that's were the issues with my stomache area might come from.
Then if could always be from my friends. My subconsious being all jealous of all my friends that have flat stomachs. But even that still leads to other things and is the not the end all and be all.
Ah trying to figure youre self out is interesting.
Well dinner and then 7 o'clock class and after that I've gots to go home to get guitar and fans and ect... Oh and I much buy better notebooks.