Mar 26, 2011 23:22
Finally made it out today to an Ultimate Frisbee event setup by Zack.
It was SO FUN!!
There were only 7 of us, Zack, Samantha, Michael, Victor, Sharon, myself, Gabe. Which made for lopsided teams. Started out with me, Michael and Zach vs Gabe, Victor, Samantha and Sharon. There were some great give and go plays, both teams scoring pretty regularly. Seemed like it went well to me. For a while I was running reasonably well, but then, my muscles just started laughing at me... "You think your gonna go to the left? Yeah right!! LOLZORS You want to gaurd against Sharon? Puh-lease!"
So it started to feel like I was drunk. My legs just won't listen, my arms didn't want to follow commands. Just spent most of the time of the second game laughing. New tactics were appearing, tried tickling Gabe. A few times I attempted to slide to get the fumbled Frisbee, but that never turned out very well.
We saw a hawk when we were finished with the second game.
Then there was a plan for milk shakes which turned into a trip to In and Out.
In regards to my "study" to treatment of girls during sporting events, this would be quite different. Possibly because we've known each other for so long. Little bit more of and even game, persay, since there wasn't really any holding back because of sex. If anything there was a holding back due to height as Michael didn't want to get to close to Gabe whenever he was guarding him.