Jun 14, 2008 23:57
so i think its completely fucked up for the government to write a blank check to oil diggers to go and search for oil in alaska and not be reliable for deaths of polar bears and walruses! polar bears are pretty much on the extinction list! can't they just relocate them? their home is shitty anyways because of this damn global warming! its soo sad. but then again we are about to be paying $5.00 for a gallon of gas. im starting to hate the planet i live on. so many horrible things happen. so many horrible people. i seriously think this is the beginning to an end. come on meteor. uhhh. soo frustrated. i can go on and on about all this shit its not even funny!
who are you people voting for???????????????????????????
i haven't bought or cooked steak, porchops, or ground beef from the grocery store in a month. wow!
nancy grace is fueling me right now. uhhh! i can't believe most of this shit on her show. its utterly disgusting and it makes me sick to my fucking stomach! 2 girls 11 and 13 shot multiple times in the head and chest while coming back from a sleepover!!!!!!!!! wtf??????? is wrong with these sick fucking mental people!
and linda hogan is dating a 19 year old?! woah.
the news,
polar bears,
global warming