there are good buddies in town. it's sweet. more good buddies coming. today i wrote some long somewhat naive rant about teliological time and how fucked up it is. i feel a bit drained from that. this morning i ate breakfast with nell across from the train tracks and saw this sixty something year old with the sweetest union pacific backpatch i've ever seen in my life. actually, it may have been the only one. either way, it ruled.
also i've been drinking entirely too much coffee. so much so that my ears are ringing and i can't sleep more than five hours a night. i keep thinking about herb school and how i'll never be a good herbalist if i can't nix my own condoned addictions. i quit smoking, that's pretty sweet. now on to the insidious caffeine. how i love it so... maybe i could just tone it down a bit. my friend ryan and i used to joke about having to move somehwere closer to the equator when shit went down so we could still have coffee. but really i like the pacific northwest better. see? too much coffee. even my thoughts are manic.
sparkle on!
potlucks sure are fun.
cabaret headaches.
hot damn. this island rules.
once again... i love living here.
green day is the best. and so is a friendship based partially around it!
honest lizzie mc-amish
the past few days have been nonstop tna jokes. also, extremely depressing dialogue about oaxaca and what we can do about it. and.. trips to black mesa. i've been thinking a lot too about getting lots of medicine for both things, lots of arnica and oregon grape. sally all ready started i just need to quit one of my engagements to make time to do anything at all. but all of these things are so vital right now... and i'm so close to mexico - this imaginary line (and the thousands of border patrol assholes) is the only thing separating me. i want to help as much as i can but instead i'm just listening to forty something white dudes talk about cultural appropriation. school is a bizarre concept to me right now and yet here i am. shit. gotsta put my actions where my mouth is. [what?]