aww yeeeah

Sep 19, 2006 21:38

my book was miraculously returned to me. life is wicked fuckin sweeeeeeet yall.

except going to school is really hard sometimes, bein confronted with folks fit for an abercrombie ad or maybe even american apparel. leaving the anarchist bubble has been difficult. it's like high school all over again, except i know what it's like to be accepted now. i mean really, in every class (even full ones) i have empty seats to both sides of me and usually behind me too. it's nice to have space but geez, i feel like a freak pretty much all day. i've been goin in to these buildings for more than three weeks and i still haven't seen anyone even resembling a punk... not even a hippie. it's nuts. im in this global environmental history class where today we discussed how the environment should be manipulated by humans, that anything humans do to the environment is an improvement because we are ordained by god to sit atop the hierarchy of beings. and im just slackjawed cause i thought this thinking was surely only in overdramatized indymedia films or something. and i feel a little lucky to finally expose myself to this dominant culture. at least i know FOR SURE now how fucked we really are.. but man oh man it's pretty hard to swallow sometimes. it's good to challenge my outlook though... and learning spanish is awesome. but really, i thought sororities and fraternities were figments of hollywood, designed to deter people from goin to college. but that shit is real. real fuckin horrifying. bikin home past frat parties is cause enough to carry a smilie, ill tell you what. scumfuckitupyheard

the first meeting of the mental health collective i'm trying to start was last thursday and it went super well. people are enthusiastic and i couldn't be more inspired.

the disparity between school and life outside it couldn't be bigger.
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