[ mood |
| busy ]
[ music | ted leo and the pharmacists - where have all the rude boys gone ]
Thursday, June 24th, 2004
Venue: Cromwell Knights of Columbus, 573 Main Street (Cromwell, CT)
Price / Doors: $7, 6:00PM
Bands:A Life Once Lost, Misery Signals, A Perfect Murder, Our Final Say, Nehemiah
A Life Once Lost,
Misery Signals,
A Perfect Murder,
Our Final Say,
directions /
flyer Sunday, July 18th, 2004
Venue: Wallingford American Legion, 190 Ward Street (Wallingford, CT)
Price / Doors: $7, 6:00PM
Bands: Fordirelifesake, Life in Your Way, Saving Throw, The Sleeping, Invocation of Nehek
Life in Your Way,
Saving Throw,
The Sleeping,
Invocation of NehekOther: directions and flyer coming soon...
Friday, July 23rd, 2004
Venue: Cromwell Knights of Columbus, 573 Main Street (Cromwell, CT)
Price / Doors: $10, 5:30PM
Bands: The Slackers, The Flaming Tsunamis, The Superspecs, The Bluebeats, The Flamingos
The Slackers,
The Flaming Tsunamis,
The Superspecs,
The Bluebeats,
The FlamingosOther:
tickets /
directions /
flyer Friday, July 30th, 2004
Venue: Cromwell Knights of Columbus, 573 Main Street (Cromwell, CT)
Price / Doors: $6, 6:00PM
Bands: Kevin Devine, The Teles, Via Audio, Missing Cary, Cub Cadet
Kevin Devine,
The Teles,
Via Audio,
Missing CaryOther:
directions /
flyer /
flyer2 Friday, August 20th, 2004
Price / Doors: TBA, 6:00PM
Bands: Underoath
UnderoathOther: more info coming soon...
Saturday, August 28th, 2004
Venue: Cromwell Knights of Columbus, 573 Main Street (Cromwell, CT)
Price / Doors: $10, 6:00PM
Bands: MU330, Suburban Legends, The Arrogant Sons of Bitches, Tip The Van
Suburban Legends,
The Arrogant Sons of Bitches,
Tip The VanOther:
directions / advanced tickets coming soon...
Wednesday, September 8th, 2004
Venue: West Haven American Legion, 337 Main Street (West Haven, CT)
Price / Doors: $10, 5:00PM
Bands: The Toasters, The Planet Smashers, Soul Merchants, The Flamingos, Kennesaw
The Toasters,
The Planet Smashers,
The Flamingos,
KennesawOther: advanced tickets coming soon...
http://www.manicproductions.org edit: I added mp3 links for most of the bands so check them out! also who is going to which shows??????