May 10, 2009 11:53
A few days prior to my departure, I had thought to myself "Is this even worth it? Is *he* worth it?" But as the day got nearer, I just told myself "Whatever happens, happens" If we get back together, then we get back together. If we don't, then oh well. It was a good 6 months. Well, the night before my flight, I couldn't sleep at all. I tried, even took a sleeping pill, but nothing. Which was fail. I figure I'll just sleep on the plane. So I get to the airport, get settled in, get on a flight to Phoenix. Couldn't sleep at all, goddammit. So I have 2 hours in Phoenix. And fuck me running if Poenix isn't the most boring airport ever. And frustrating. I hate it there so much. So either way, my flight to Wichita was, of course, over a half an hour late. OF COURSE! So I get to Wichita a little late. I was prepared to have to take the bus to Michael's because he is the craziest sleeper I have ever met. He can sleep instantly and soundly. I envy him. I take FOREVER and sleep semi-light. Either way, as I kinda expected, he wasn't there. But the buses were so damn confusing I got a bit freaked out. Called him a few times, but nothing. That's when I began to slightly regret this trip. Then I called him again, and he said he'd come get me./ Okay, cool I though. This might not be too bad. I honestly thought it would be like visiting a friend I have sex with. That's it. I was so wrong, though.
So Michael calls and tells me he's close by, to come outside and wait. I had knocked back a few Jack and Cokes, so I was feeling pretty good. I see the bus, flag it down (because apparently buses in Wichita are more awesome than here because there are no designated stops. If a bus sees you waiting, it'll come pick you up as long as it's safe), and get on. I hear stifled laughter and see a man with his hat curled over his face. I'd recognize him anywhere. I pay for my bus, and go sit next to him. Give him a huig and he looks up. It was so great seeing him again. And then I REALLY began to hope this was a good idea. Because if we didn't get back together, it would just hurt too much inside. So either way, I'm not gonna go in to explicit detail about everything that we did, so don't fret. Either way, we take the bus back to his house and this is where it begins.
In short, the longer I was with him, the better things became. On the bus ride to his place, he told me he loved me, which he hadn't told me since before we broke up. It brought a smile to my face, and that's the very moment where my thoughts began to change. I believed this was a good idea after all. Maybe there was a glimmer of hope for our relationship.
He never formally re-asked me out, we just sort of fell back into our old routine. Then he started calling me "his girlfriend" and then I knew that we had gotten back together.
The longer I was in Wichita, the more it started to feel like home. I had a routine every day I was there. And when Michael came home from work, it felt normal to be woken up by him and to drink coffee and smoke cigarettes in his house and what not. He had even told me that seeing me asleep on his bed when he came home from work was just natural, normal even. And it felt the same way to me, too. The best things that we did while I was there was watch a Kansas City Royals baseball game on the TV and eat Chinese food. And doing the stuff we do together over the internet (Watch It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Rifftrax) together but actually IRL this time. After a few days, I started calling it home because that's just what it felt like. I felt like I belonged in his house. It seemed normal to me to play The Sims or WoW while he was at work or asleep. We did so much stuff together while I was there. Everything from alternating playing The Sims to just napping to playing with his dog Crovax (named after a Magic card, which I have as a matter of fact) to having simple conversations. That was another one of the things we did that I loved most. It was about 4:30 or 5 in the morning and he had the day off. I had just woken up from a nap and those televangical infomercials were on the TV that I watch a lot of the time. So we had this in depth intellectual conversation on our points of view on several things. I haven't had such a conversation like that in a VERY long time. A conversation to make me think, appreciate, and love the human mind. We shared theories and beliefs, and it was great. He is really a very intelligent man. He's a complete package, let me tell ya.
So as the days we had together grew shorter, the sadder we became. We had had such a great time together, neiother of us wanted to see it end AT ALL. We tried to make the most of it together, and I think we did. And then come Saturday, the day I had to leave, we become increasingly sadder. In the hours prior to me leaving was a very sad time for me. I was crying, he was crying. He was trying to convince me to stay, I had seriously thought about staying and not coming back home I had such a great time. I really do truly love him and based on my visit to Wichita and seeing him in his natural habitat, I can safely say he's madly in love with me too. As I packed up Dahmer (my external hard drive) he told me he had put something on there for me that he made for me. He said it's simple, but it does it's job. He had written me a small note saying that he loved me and to always remember that.
Based on the past, I honestly didn't think he was capable of it. He found me to be annoying, I found him to be an asshole. Which is true both ways. I can be extremely annoying, and he can be an extreme asshole.But that's what strengthens love. Is being able to deal with the other person's bad traits and still love them for who they are. He is really a very sweet guy. My bad side is I can be annoying when I'm drunk, which is very true. And he is a very mean grouch when he wakes up. I still love him, and he still loves me. I think the sweetest thing he said to me was that he thinks we might be meant for each other. Which is a lot coming from him. He told me that he can't get along with most people because, like me, he doesn't really like people. I love the people I know, but I'm not really too keen on meeting new people. I kinda used to be, but niot really anymore. And also that most people annoy him. He's a loner, like myself, as well. So hearing him say we might be meant for each other and crying three times as I'm packing my stuff up and at the airport really made me believe that going to Wichita, KS was the best idea I've had in awhile.
And, I'm sure much to the dismay of some people, I am about 85% sure that I will be moving to Wichita at the end of my classes. I know, I know... But ever since being back home in San Diego, it has felt alien to me. I almost feel like I don't belong here anymore, that I belong in Wichita. I physically live here, but my heart and soul live in Wichita. School is the only things keeping me here. Yeah, I'm gonna miss my friends and family, but I'm a romantic. I love, and I love hard. I have a majorly huge love in Wichita. But don't worry! I'll be back every 3 months for medication and stuff like that. Well, that's my plan. It all depends on which job I get. Oh yeah! That's another reason I'm moving there. I have a 100% guaranteed job there. By the time I move out there, I'll be qualified to work as a Transcriptionist and maybe a Medical Assistant, if I take that class (which he wants me to do), and I have a job at the post office with him if those prospects don't work out. That's also a solidifying factor of my moving. We only plan to be in Wichita for a few years, then we'll either move to California or Florida, we'll see.
So, all in all, Michael and I are back together and stronger than ever.
Oh! and I'm seeing Star Trek today! Woot wooooooooooooooot!!!!!!