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Jun 17, 2004 16:06
How to make a unseen_silence
1 part success
3 parts crazyiness
1 part ego
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of curiosity
I'm so bored.... Everything seems so dragged out... BLAH only a few more days of school left... yippy... Its really hot YUCK...
Tongiht I'm going out to have dinner with the old McDonalds crew to go see Mike Plante he just got back from... I think sum place like Japan... The guy is a genius hehe well Dinner with them and Rachel, Alicia, Christina, Dave, Prolly my cousin, Cassie, maybe Matt yea Big Sex will be there possibly the horsemen I dunno wait and see... I'ma gunna geta drunka toanighta!!!! OHHHH yes! English exam in the am. BLOWS!!!! Can't wait for summer to begin its gunna be bad ass!!!
Hopefully I can grow up and talk to this kid...(Congrats to ya ( I missed ya sorry)) I'm a piece of crap I wish I knew what to do, I get crazy butterflies in my tummy when I see u... I'm like 13 again. I need to stop playing tricks with my own head! ARGGGG (its probably nothing, thats what it always ends up to be)
And I think your amazing.
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