Aug 26, 2008 00:42
Because bip_bebop sends me awesome things when I'm bored, and because I'm very, very bored, here is a frikin' huge survey thing...
1. Are you scared of people hearing you pee?
Actually... kinda. When I was in the fourth or fifth grade a couple of girls in the bathroom made fun of me really loudly and I think if sort of stuck with me... That question is awkward to answer by the way...
2. If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?
Um... spaghetti? I guess?
3. Spell your name how it sounds.
4. Name one word to describe your personality?
5. What are your top 3 turn-ons on the opposite sex?
Character. Compassion. Confidence. (... oh fuck... did I honestly classify all of it like that? What the three C's? Jeez.)
Where the hell is number six???
7. Where do you see yourself in 6 years?
I'll be twenty-six. I don't know, hopefully married with a few published books under my belt.
8. What is your favorite piece of jewelry?
I don't really wear jewelry all that much, but when I do it's usually just a few rings or a necklace. I'm pretty simple when it comes to stuff like that.
9. What type of service is your cellphone?
Criket, which gets NO frikin' service out here in the bookdocks of Oil City, PA. Which is where I am stuck as of now.
10. What do you hate most about New York State?
It's too big for me. I guess for some it would be awesome, but I like medium towns. Not small ones like the one I'm in now, and not huge ones like that. I want my North Charleston back!
11. What kind of car is your dream car?
One that doesn't break regularly
12. Can you leave the house without makeup?
When do I leave the house with makeup?
13. What are your top 3 favorite stores in which to shop?
GoodWill, Hot Topic, Exchange Factor (...wait, Factor Exchange? Damn, I can never get the order right!)
14. Do you consider yourself to be good-looking?
Depends. I think that good-looking has a lot to do with how you feel, your confidence and what-not. If you feel like shit you aren't really going to look your best, right?
15. What do you miss about being a kid?
Uh... not much.
16. What is your favorite animal?
Wolves. I know, pretty plain, right?
17. Do you think you're going to have a good Valentine's Day?
Who cares? It's an excuse to sell more stuff. I don't think that love and all that should be narrowed down to one day. If you want to do something special for the one you love, why wait for that one stupid day? Do it now! Live life in the moment!
18. Apple, orange, or cranberry juice?
I love apple juice!
19. Do you get enough sleep at night?
For me. I don't really need much sleep. I got about six hours last night, three the night before, and a half-hour the night before that... I'm still awake and rarin' to go. That's pretty much the norm for me.
20. Favorite channel on TV ?
I couldn't tell you. I really don't watch that much TV.
21. Are you dating the person you text most?
O.o LACI?!?! WTF?
22. What's your favorite color[s]?
Black and red. Gray and blue on my off days.
23. What do you want?
A writing agent. My own family.
24. Who was the last person you shared a bed with?
I'm actually laying next to my mom now. Visiting my Aunt, we've been crammed into this... well they actually called it a hallway earlier... little room together. My dad, of course, is a fancy holiday inn about five hours away. Lucky bugger.
25. Do you talk to yourself?
LOL YES! All the damn time. Ask any one of my friends; they come around the corner and laugh at me because I talk to everything! I mostly yell at myself. Apparently I think that I'm a dumbass.
26. Do you drink milk straight from the carton?
I don't have milk to drink!
27. Who knows a dark secret or two about you?
Brett and Laci.
29. Do you like Batman?
He's my favorite superhero. He's cool because he acutally worked at being what he is. He's not some mutant thing, but he's a really live kick as person who chose to help the people of Gotham... (Don't ask my why I said all that. To be honest I really don't give a shit about any of them. He just happens to be the one I'd pick if I had to)
30. Who did you last hug?
Holy shit. Do you have any idea how many people I've hugged today?! Let's see... my Aunt Billie Joe, her bo Steve, my cousin Josh, cousin Jeremy and his girlfriend, my dad (cause he was takin' off to that fancy holiday inn that I spoke of)... I'm sure there were probably more people, but I can't remember. Oh, and there will be more soon because I'm suppose to see my Aunt Judy and her husband and kids. Supposedly might meet my Uncle Pat sometime. Don't know. (*whisper* to be completely honest I didn't know I had an uncle pat...)
31. Do you swear at your parent(s)?
Sometimes. Been a while since I've done it in a nasty way though. When I was younger I couldn't have sworn more if I tried.
32. Do you like anyone now?
33. When was the last time you lied?
!!!!!!!!!! Don't get me started on that! I fuckin' lied to Laci's mom the other day and it's STILL killing me! I hate to lie! Ugh!
34. Obama, Hillary, McCain, or Huckabee?
35. Is your birthday on a holiday?
I share Mickey Mouse's birthday. That's kinda cool.
36. What instant messaging service do you use?
Does texting count?
37. Last thing you cooked today?
I'm out of town. I don't have to cook. : )
38. Did you have a nap today?
No. Didn't really have the chance. Besides there are eight dogs running around this house during the day. I don't know if I could sleep through being walked on every two seconds.
39. Whose house did you go to last?
Besides Aunt Billies? Um... Laci's I think. The morning before the con.
41. Why is the sky blue?
Because it's pretty... ^_^ <
42. Do you like green beans?
43. Do you swear a lot?
Shit. Hell. Damn. To strike! (
44. Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
From GoodWill... where else?
45. Have any regrets?
I suppose, but I'm not going to dredge them up right now.
46. Do you use an alarm clock?
My cell works for me.
47. Where are you?
In the hallway/bed-like area, sitting on the floor in the dark. Squished.
48. Do you ever snort when you laugh?
Only when Brett makes me laugh. He's good at that for some reason.
49. Whats the first thing you notice on the opposite sex?
50. Do you wear underwear?
Most of the time. If they're clean. lol
51. Who/What would you like to see right now?
Kenny (I miss my brother T_T) / my house.
52. Are you social?
Most of the time.
53. Are you afraid of the dark?
Not really. Sometimes I get a little creeped out, but for the most part I'm alright.
54. Do you miss someone today?
Umm... I think I already wrote an answer to that. ^^ look ^^ higher ^^
55. Who was the last person you kissed?
Hmm... like family kiss? or... ?
56. Are you happy with your life?
For the most part. There are a few things I'd like to change, but over all this is the best I've felt in years.
57. Last person to whom you told your problems?
Laci. She seems to be a new found confidant.
58. What are you doing tonight?
Sitting squished in a hallway? I've been visiting with family all day. Right now I'm enjoying a little alone time.
61. Who's your best friend?
Why pick one?
62. Do you think he/she will always be there for you?
Dunno. Last time I answered yes to that I got screwed.
63. What is your MySpace song right now (if you have one)?
I think it's DC Talk - Jesus Freak. Awesome song.
64. Do you prefer to text or IM?
Text. I would like IM I suppose, but I don't have very many online friends, so it's easier to just text most of the time.
65. Who'd you get this from?
bip-bebop / Laci
66. Do you believe the number 6 is the number of death?
*lifts hands palm up* < which is sign language for... "What?"
67. What are your favorite magazines?
Don't read them. The damn things are too expensive!
That was a REALLY long ass survey! Holy shit! Well that killed some time. Thanks Bip! ^_^
Post Script: I got to fuckin' number 24 when I mispressed a button and had to start over!!! Damn it!