Nov 25, 2004 00:41
this is for shannon because she is crazy.
yesterday i played with shannon and lindsey all day long. after school, that is. and we went to starbucks and daniel wasn't there, and then we went to lindseys house and i played diddy kong racing by myself because shannon doesn't know how and wouldn't play right and kept cheating and lindsey wouldn't because she was planning our christmas party and then we watched edward scissorhands and then we played dress up and we took all her clothes.
i had fun with her and lindsey today too. We wore fun clothes and went to the mall (where i saw chelsea. chelsea=beautiful).
lindsey left her coin bag and CD in Tina.
i have acquired many things that belong to her over the past couple days.
[ pink jacket, polka dot skirt, shirt, tie, emery button, good charlotte cd, her coin bag, her other shirt, her sunglasses]
i have had a lot of bonding time with these two girls. (shannon and lindsey)
i have also had a lot of bonding time with Tina, and I think she is getting sick. she makes weird noises sometimes. [speaking of sick, i think i am too.]
i have also had a fair amount of bonding time with Celeste Lily. (who left her purse in Tina as well)
what are you talking about?
i dont even know anybody named eric rock.