Most of this post was originally posted by
wwmrsweasleydo at
The Quest to Rescue Abandoned Prompts! hp_adoptaprompt will soon be accepting prompts.
What it’s all about:
Do you have a favourite prompt that for some reason was not chosen? Are you dying for someone to write this for you?
Here's the opportunity to try it again!
Was there a prompt in a gone by fest that you loved, but for whatever reason, could not claim it? Did the prompt lay there unclaimed by any other, while you screamed "But it would make such a perfect fic, please someone choose this"?
Here's perhaps another opportunity to claim that prompt.
According to the profile at
hp_adoptaprompt :
The fests chosen to participate are intentionally non-pairing specific, i.e no Harry/Draco fests, no Ron/Draco fest, no Draco/Hermione, no Remus/Sirius, etc. You may certainly request a pairing in your prompts, but all fests chosen are those that allow for multiple types of pairings. Some are character-centric, but there are many options for the opposing character, or characters.
Participating fests this round:
hp_getlucky and
charlieficathon The prompts are already written; you only have to decide which ones to reprompt.
Prompting: May 27, 2013 - June 3, 2013
Claiming: June 5, 2013 - June 12, 2013
Posting: Begins August 12, 2013
Posting will be set up as self posting. You'll be assigned a date on which to post. If life happens and you miss it, there will be a make-up time at the end of the fest.
1. All prompts here must have been left previously.
2. Only the original prompter can reprompt a particular prompt.
3. No new prompts will be allowed.
4. No more than 6 prompts per person per round,
5. No more than 3 prompts per person per original fest.
Share, share, share and get the word out!