Title: A Hundred Tanks Along the Square
Fandom: HALO: Spartan Ops (web series)
Rating: T
Genres: het
Summary: Sometimes, Thomas Lasky likes to take a break in the atrium. The aftermath of being told off by Serin Osman is a perfect opportunity.
A/N: Um. I have no idea how this happened. I just kind of started writing it and then this came out. I'm pretty sure that by the time S2 of Spartan Ops rolls around, this'll be obsolete and AU but what the heck, this needed to be done anyway. So... what do you think?
In Now For The Kill )
Down Upon My Knees (And You Have Broken Me) )
Foolishness and Self-Deception )
People Spend a Lifetime This Way (And That's How They Stay) )
A Hundred Tanks Along the Square )