so yea today i was with jessica just hangin out with her and jessie and jarret. it was fun we went bowling and we sdaw movies and played DDR ( dance dance revoulution) we took some pics and yea. it was ggod times. we also went to burger king and got yelled at by some gay ass looser because we kept on talkin bout dildos and jessie asked wat the hell that was and u kinda had to be there but it was hillarious!!!! well here are the pics.
this is jessie my best friend...i think...well we're getting there
god jessie ur hott...but wat a ho u r...jk..hahaha
woot woot..pull over that ass is to FAT
pose for me baby pose
jessie ur irresistable
and jarret...god ur awesoem cuz we both understand eachother ur kool. ur how awesome r u...half asian and half blak. ur kool u QUEER!!! jk
and last but not least is ya xoxoxox