Three years ago:
although I haven't posted in awhile, I will today. The reason is the senior graduation that occurred just an hour ago. To say the least, graduation was bittersweet. The seniors are now leaving, and so are many legends. Next year will be very different, and 9hopefully) new legends will form.
David's speech was nice, last speech I'll hear him say for a long time : ( . Marc has gone crazy, and started creating replacements for our seniors. But I must say that you can't replace them. I tried giving a standing ovation to the "good ones", but I was already standing, so I stood on my toes until I fell over.
Matt, Jonathan, Marc, and I had a gift for David and Casey. Casey loved our first religimon, and would ask us on our progress on more. Well, he found out. We gave him and David our work-in-progress religimon cards, featuring themselves. Once we make them all nice and pretty, and perfect the wording, we'll e-mail them the cards, as well as mail them (if possible).. Casey was overjoyed, and Jonathan, Matt, him, and I shared a 4-way man-hug. David liked it as well, and we said our goodbyes. A picture was squeezed in as we left.
This year, it felt like that, times a gazillion. It was crazy how many people I was going to miss. How many faces I won't see, and how many jokes I will most likely never hear again. It's not like I won't try to keep in touch, but its not the same as going to the same place for eight years. I'm going across the country, and I won't be able to hear Sonia call me a perv, or do the bird call with Imadul. It's a sad thing, but I will always have a yearbook to make sure that I will remember people. That and facebook.
You think it will never end, and yet you pray that it does. But when you get to that point when you actually finish SOCES, you wish that you could never let go of it. This is the moment we've all worked for, and now we work to remember what we have been through. As they say, its the journey that matters, not the destination.
But i include the graduation of '04 to remind myself that those seniors meant something to us. They were like family, and we treated them like gods (hence, religimon). We gave them something to remember us by, something to show how much they mean to us. I didn't get a trading card with my face superimposed on a mutated animal, but I did get plenty of tears and hugs, and that is just as sweet. But we never really leave. We've made our mark on SOCES, in the faculty, staff, friends, and sometimes even the campus itself (like Bill supergluing a penny to the ground). We can cry in sadness because we're leaving, or cry in joy that we had the experiences, or both, but no matter what happens to us in the future, we are all united by our shared experience as the Sherman Oaks CES Class of '007.
That should make up for my months of inactivity