You know when you check your morning news/emails/etc. when you wake up, before you get up to shower and eat? That morning just lasted 3.5hr for me and I'm starved! lol I'm so bad, one link leads to 3 which mushrooms to being stuck in an internet spider web of 15 browser tabs in the span of 5 minutes.
I've gotten better though. Information overload of that type used to mean that I'd be busy for 12 hours, or not even finish up, but I managed to clear up all the links and post all the wistful blog entries in just 3.5 hours! :P I'm still working on being ever more selective about what I read and do.
Edit: I counted my history, 175 different pages in that 3.5hrs. I came across
this early on which is the root cause of all my [mostly unrelated] further meanderings.