First tutorial.

Jun 16, 2005 17:07

I think I'll start making icon tutorials. :)

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I used Adobe Photoshop 7, but it shouldn't be hard to all to translate to other programs. I'm assuming you know the basics, like setting layer modes and such.

I started with this picture of Adam Lazzara from Taking Back Sunday.

1) Crop your base any way you want and sharpen. I used the smudge tool set at 10% opacity to smooth out his face a little.

2) Duplicate that layer and apply a gaussian blur (I used 2.0 radius - experiment what looks best). Set the layer mode to Overlay and desaturate.

3) Create a new layer and fill with a dark blue colour - I used #080B2D. Set it to Exclusion at 75% opacity.

4) Apply a gradient of your choice. I used this purple-ish one (I'm not sure who made it - comment if it's yours!):

and set the layer to Screen.

5) Make a new layer and paste this light texture onto it

(made  by ashke_icons)
Set the layer to Screen and move the texture around a bit so it's not completely covering your subject.

6) A little too plain for me. Make a new layer. I used this brush (again, not sure who made it)

using black colour and set the layer to Overlay. Erase parts on Adam's face.

7) Make a 1 pixel black border around the icon. Add text if you wish.
You're done!

x-posted to icon_tutorial
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