Apr 03, 2007 09:03
Wow, its been a crazy week or two. I started helping my dad take down trees and its tough & dangerous work. Not so dangerous if the climbers (the one who cutsmost), isnt fucked up on some kinda pills and actually listens to the groundman (boss), who calls the shots. Bad thing is most climbers think they know wtf theyre doing and dont wanna listen. Ive seen a few close calls so far and one whee part of a huge 300-400 tree trunk had to be blocked down and it jumped out the eye of the knot, fell and busted up a few boards on a wooden deck. Which was bound to happen some how. The tree was up about 75-85 feet and had a wooden deck surrounding in along with a house like 5 feet away. Crazy shit.
Aside from that, on the weekends cept for last sunday, my Dad and I have been going fishing. I bought a little 16ft flat bottom aluminum boat with a 25hp motor on it & trailer. Its a decent boat and runs alright, but the carb needs rebuilt and some other stuff added. Last time we took it out I caught a 4lb catfish. Was the only one that daywho did
Currently i’ve been getting up around 6:30-7am and working till 3 or 5pm then coming home, sh0wering, eating then going to bed. Comcast came today and hooked up the digital cable and net which I paid for. So atm i’m on a 6mb up 3 down line. Woot :P.
If I get more time and motivation I’ll start back into messing with web app security and other thngs. But for right now, I won’t be on much, maybe 1-2 hours a day just chatting with friends and see’ing whats what.