You know how sometimes people on your friendslist post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when were they working THERE? Since when were they dating HIM/HER? Since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.
Please copy the topics below, erase my answers and put yours in their place, and then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration. One-Word-Answers seldom help anyone out.
first name.
My first name is Charlotte, but I prefer Charlie because I feel it suits me more. My full name is Charlotte Kate Evans, and I guess I like my name. My parents were going to call me Roxanne, and to be honest, I'm kina glad they steered away from the famous stripper name. :| I love the name, but I think Charlie is okay. My middle name is Kate because my mum is called Catherine- it's a name that some of her friends call her. They were also just going to call me Charlie, but decided on Charlotte so I could ultimately decide if I liked Charlie or not. AND I DO, YAAY.
Twenty years old, still feel like a fifteen year old. My life pretty much sucks right now, so I don't really have much to say about my age. I'm not as independant as most twenty-somethings, but that's because so much has happened these past two years.
Just on the outskirts of London- barely 30 minutes away from central on the train. I've lived in this house my entire life, and there was a time when we might have lost it, but somehow, thankfully, we managed to hold strong. It's possible we'll lose the house this year or next because we have no money coming in right now, but I hope not. I love where we are, I would panic if I had to leave.
I'm a student. I've never worked, despite going to a few interviews. ... I say I'm a student, but I was suspended from university last year because of my mental health (I, um, was pretty low. XD), but I do plan to go back into my studies. I want to be an illustrator one day- or at least something to do with art. It's the only thing I think I'm good at, so.
None, and I'm not sure I want one, honestly. It's too much hastle, and considering how much I'm going through right now, all I want is to keep getting through each day the best I can. That's hard enough.
I've never been the type of girl to want kids. That's my sister's thing. Maybe when she has one I'll actualy think about it, or at least see how I am around her kid. I think I'd rather adopt then have a child myself. The idea of birth terrifies me, and I hate hospitals too. :|
I just have one sister. She's 27, and I love her a lot. She's like my second mum, because when I was 18 months old my mum had a stroke for 5 years. It took even longer for her to fully recover, so for a long time I didn't really have a mother figure. I appreciate her, and she means everything to me. She has a new boyfriend, and he really seems like the one- I get along with him well, as well as the rest of the family, and he treats her with love and respect.
We have three cats. Poppet is the eldest, at 18, Tiny is in the middle at 6, and LC is 2. I really want a dog, because I've never had one and always loved them. We can't afford one though, and it looks like I'll never be able to have one.
list the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life.
1. Money. We don't have any of it.
2. Money again. We're really worried about the lack of money coming in right now, because my parents have both been sacked from their jobs. I guess we just have to take each day as it comes.
3. Mum having MS. Still not quite used to the idea that my mum is terminally ill. She's so strong and I love her so much, it's devastating to see her so run down and tired all the time. She's always in pain, and she bursts into tears at night because she hates the pain she goes through just doing small motions. I'm really worried about her, and so is dad.
4. I'm waiting to get into a ADHD clinic so I can get my head sorted. Also seeing psychiatrist on the 20th of this month, which is a little worrying for me.
My mum's called Catherine, but she prefers Cathy. I call her mum, obviously. She's the sweetest person, and she's been through so much already. Her mum died in 2006 and we both talk about her often; she was a fantastic person. Mum is just like her. Kind, considerate, funny. We joke a lot, she loves my sense of humor and I love hers.
My dad's called Adrian. He annoys me a lot, but we bond over certain things too- like computers. I wouldn't be as good as I am if I didn't have him to teach me things as well as getting me interested in the internet and stuff. I'm mostly angry at him right now because it's been months and he hasn't found himself a job. I'm sure he's looking, but I don't think he understands that mum worries more and more each time the bills come around, which means her MS gets worse with each month. He needs to get looking, otherwise we might lose the house, which would be devastating to me.
Er, that's it, really.