Fuuuuuuuuck. I am in so much goddamn pain; thank you, girly parts, for making my life a living hell. Jesus. And I don't even have any meds so I just have to sit here and take the damned pain-- and it's making it really had to concentrate on typing/rping so I have so many tags that I just can't do because my heads not in the right place. Ffffff. /angst
On a lighter note, I've been drawing on
Tegaki again (it seems to stop me thinking about the pain, so that's good), but I accidentally linked someone at work and I think it was okay, but gduhfjks I felt so bad, and I'm still totally sorry. This is what I get for not thinking and sleeping and... well, being an idiot, really. :|
I've been listening to TLI. You may have been able to tell.
I lol'd. A lot. :D
I'm not really sure what else to talk about other thannn... Oh~ I absolutely love the music from Once. It's all so beautiful, you don't even need to see the movie (which is also good, but God, that music) but it would probably help. It got me playing my guitar again, so that's awesome. I'm feeling really creative recently, which is also awesome. I've been in an artblock for forever so it's nice to feel... well, creative again. I've missed it!
Okay, that's about it.
Peace out, yo.