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oh hay commentlog?! anti_buttons November 28 2007, 18:30:16 UTC
[ When he finally wakes, from a sleep long despite the lingering pain because of drugs and exhaustion, it isn't a slow, calm coming-to. It's disturbed, because something initiated it, and he makes a sound His eyes open onto a haze, because of course he isn't wearing his glasses. ]

... Nngh?


lol, Octava all up in your hospitals unresearched November 28 2007, 18:35:19 UTC
[He blamed it on his curiosity. He'd done this to the Quincy, that much he knew-- no one would have interrupted his fight. No one who would have lived, at least. But the shinigami and the boy before him both insisted they'd pushed him far enough to release, and looking at the injuries now, he could tell he'd been pushed beyond simply using his clones. So it was his curiosity, because he wanted to know why without living it himself. Not yet, at least. Not while he could savour the aftermath of the attack like this. He didn't bother looking at the Quincy; his back was enough of a message, as had been waking him up.]

Your father is a curious one.


oh noez. hospital is FAIL anti_buttons November 28 2007, 18:41:42 UTC
[ The voice is enough, and before Ishida can begin to locate his spectacles, he tenses. Everything becomes rigid, more strain on another scar, and Ishida is no longer in the least groggy. He forces himself to remain calm, to squint to his right and left, to locate and place his glasses, to look up at the Espada's back. It won't matter. If the Octava will kill him, he will, and it's not something he'll bother fearing. Really. ]

Do you think so?

[ His voice is hoarse, cracked; he clears his throat ]

I'm inclined to disagree.


not as much fail as Ishida, buuuuuurn unresearched November 28 2007, 18:46:59 UTC
[He allows himself a smirk, a small incline of the head to the side. The Quincy is weak and it's his doing, will be his doing-- and he's here to enjoy that. To lord it over the pathetic Privaron and to reassert his number for himself.]

Perhaps you have known him so long his nature is as much his as it is yours. I trust you've been taken care of?

[snide comment to harmless question, go!]


... hjgfsrkj SAY THAT TO MY FACE owaityoudid anti_buttons November 28 2007, 18:55:12 UTC
[ Because Ishida is so very less than interested in discussing Ryuuken, he chooses to ignore the remark. He focuses, instead, on trying to draw himself to a seated position, which is really much more complicated and tiring than it should be. ]

... Obviously.

[ Seated! And he looks at the Espada with bland skepticism ]

If you intended to undo it, I expect you already would have.


trying to start something?! unresearched November 28 2007, 19:11:26 UTC
[He almost, almost looks offended as he turns to Ishida. But only almost.]

Harm you while wounded and unable to defend yourself? Do give me more credit than that, won't you?

[And because it's funny, because he knows it won't help Ishida feel better at all, he steps closer.]

I came to see how hard they had to work to save your life.


you already started it!!1! anti_buttons November 28 2007, 19:21:22 UTC
[Oh, how he strives to sound bored even with his rough voice and a bit of sick perspiration.]

Of course; that wouldn't be very interesting.

[Funny, yes, Ishida does his very best not to wince, look at all disconcerted, or worried. Having received something of a confirmation that he won't be harmed, it's easier, but his pride is plenty bruised. ]

Hard enough. I wouldn't know, I wasn't awake for most of it.


it doesn't seem very started! unresearched November 28 2007, 19:33:34 UTC
[Ishida is boring him already and that's just not fair! But he smirks, goes so far as to sit on the edge of the bed and drop his hand to the hilt of his zanpakuto. He's still an arrancar.]

And you know I prefer things kept interesting. Especially fights.

[Not that he's looking for information on what happened, really, he's only mildly bothered that he had to release, somewhat irritated he had to go all the way to the dolls on the four, but he's not angry and looking for a way to change it-- it'll happen as it happened, he knows that. No, he's just here to do what he did best; be a bastard. If information came from that, so be it.]

A shame. If they'd taken you to me I could have fixed it in an instant.

[...Because it's as simple as putting a new stomach piece in, really. If Ishida believed that, he'd believe anything the Octava could care to say.]


well hold on let me try again ... COTTON CANDY HAIR anti_buttons November 28 2007, 19:41:53 UTC
[Good; let him be bored, as Ishida isn't quite in the mood to entertain the Espada responsible for his condition, and would much rather be left alone. His eyes narrow, nearly a glower, as Szayel seats himself, and they linger on the hilt. Now it's a matter of resisting the urge to tell him to get out. This is bizarre. If it wasn't the City, he'd be sure he was dreaming. ]

I've an inkling, yes.

[And he could mention the shinigami, regardless of whether it made a difference or not. But admitting that Kurotsuchi Mayuri had arrived, dismissed him, but still rescued him-- the thought alone makes him grimace, for all his self-control. ]

If they had taken me to you, they would have been fools. I really doubt you're in the habit of fixing.


...What, a Nel-level insult? You really think that'll go anywhere? unresearched November 28 2007, 19:47:15 UTC
[Of course Ishida would rather be alone, but this is something that will be his doing and until he does it, he wants to know it hurt. And more than that, he wants to know his mere presence is a bother. He takes the grimace in stride, hoping it's more than simply pain related.]

Habit or no, it is something I am capable of to some extent. Granted, nowhere near as talented as our little pet, but still. Enough.

[But still foolish, because Szayel is first and foremost in it for his own intentions. And it's been a while since he actually had anything on his lab table that wasn't a report... Not that anyone needed to know that.]

I am, of course, here for a selfish reason, anyway.


Not at all. ... note to self stop listening to Nel. anti_buttons November 28 2007, 19:53:32 UTC
[His eyes flash, if in a dulled way, because Ishida is tired and the drugs aren't completely out of his system. As our little pet. Rather than protest the term, he protests else. ]

Unfortunately, Octava, you're on the level of a Shinigami when it comes to that. Given the choice, I'd allow neither to tend to me.

[All this talking; he casts a glance at the floor, then down to the blanket, wondering if he could successfully walk for a glass of water. With less than his full attention, then, he replies.]

I never doubted that.


She'd object, but I think she knows her insults are pretty lame D: unresearched November 28 2007, 19:58:58 UTC
[If he won't rise to the bait, he'll just have to try again later. Szayel has all the time he needs, especially right at this moment. As for the shinigami comment-- It's dismissed, and easily, too. Szayel knows enough to prolong life, to make death hurt more. And that's all he needs.]

Everyone is selfish in the end, no? And whatever it is you're looking for, I hope it isn't your bow. I'm not in the mood.

[If he asked, of course the Espada would get him a glass of water. Giving it to him was another thing entirely, of course, but he was and could be, if little else, civil.]


One would hope so. :/ anti_buttons November 28 2007, 20:05:12 UTC
Typically called human nature. I wonder if you would protest the association.

[He is curious, if in that detached, tired way. His mouth is so dry, but he has little intention of trying to get it, and displaying his physical weakness even farther. As if he'd ask! Shooting the Espada a not quite scathing look, he does extend his arm length-wise from the bed, the pendant catching the ceiling light.]

I don't need to look for my bow.


I blame Pesshe, he's clearly the ringleader unresearched November 28 2007, 20:11:28 UTC
I am not that petty as to deny what I once was.

[And he smirks, because he knew that, and it was just something to say and get a reaction from.]

What is it, then, that is distracting you so? It's not as if I brought that pathetic whore with me.


Pesshe is totally the leader of the gang. omg want more Pesshe. anti_buttons November 28 2007, 20:17:36 UTC
[That is a little surprising, at the very least he raises his eyebrows.]

What a refreshingly apt attitude.

[Bringing his arm back, he looks toward the door to the sink, and fends off irritation. Dismissively, because he can't even quite sum up some indignation on the Thunderwitch's behalf:]

There's no need for you to know that. She's barely a distraction.


Dude, but, Chizzle brings the Bawabawa, and that's just hawt unresearched November 28 2007, 20:23:39 UTC
I am no longer, of course.

[And it's dismissed. Arrancar come from human souls, but he's corrupt, and that is all there is to it in his eyes. A simple transition from one to another, and he follows the glance at the sink with a bored yet amused expression.]

But she tries so hard to be.


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