This is late because I've been offline/freaking out about my job for the past three weeks, but: I signed up for Yuletide this year because I've always wanted to do it and maybe also a little because I felt guilty about not writing anything all year and I ended up getting the most fantastic story ever.
Age or Wizardry wrote
What Eli and Oskar Do on
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Ahaha, you could end up regretting this if someone manages to coerce you into signing up for the Akame fic exchange, or if I somehow manage to convince you that signing up for je_ficgames this year is a fantastic idea ;)
Anddd you've just reminded me that I still need to catch Let The Right One In! I will get right onto that once I have some free time :)
And lololol, Akame fic exchange/je_ficgames. I already promised Matchy I would help mod the Akame fic exchange, but I haven't decided yet about whether I have anything to write for it (or if I even can since I technically signed up as a non-writing mod ....) so that's up in the air. I will definitely keep je_ficgames in mind if the timing works out! Are you keeping the same team structure as last year or do you have something different in mind?
Ah, I see. I...will likely not end up writing for the Akame fic exchange, simply because I deal horribly under pressure when it comes to writing, and I know I will end up knocking out some horribly cliched Akame angst the week before. As for je_ficgames, we've tentatively decided on June/July to run it, simply because it seems like the best time for everyone (not to mention no other fic exchanges are running at the same time!). We're not sure whether we're keeping the same team structure, because it would be nice to try something else, and I know for certain the prompts will be much different from last year. I would say watch this space though!
Aw, that sucks, but I get it--I think I'm just weird in only being able to produce fic with pressure from someone else, but you shouldn't stress yourself out unnecessarily! I'll see what happens for je_ficgames--I'm not sure yet what my schedule will be like then, since my work schedule may pick up at that point and I'm thinking of traveling early in the summer, but keep me posted.
Hm, I do know other people who thrive under pressure too, so you aren't the odd one out. I will have to see when the Akame fic exchange runs though. ksdj I hope modding doesn't stress you out too much though! Ooh, where are you thinking about travelling too? I certainly will do! :D
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