Sep 02, 2007 09:12
I'm committing intellectual suicide next semester so I've had to reprioritize my life and figure out the things which I truly, truly believe to be important. Friends cut. People were cut on the basis of one of the following: diverging fannish interests, dead journals, the fact that we never talked to each other or just an unfortunate twist of fate.
All my fic / manga recaps are public and it's always defriending amnesty day around here.
Every time I make a public post I feel strangely awkward, so here is a meme so I don't have to think about how many emails in my inbox I haven't gotten to yet and how many deadlines I'm in the process of missing. Comment with the name of a character and I'll tell you three facts about them from my own personal canon. Since this is me, go for it if you want to specify an AU as well. I have a lot of them. T_T
If this involves JE, keep in mind that I know next to nothing about Arashi and less still about K8. If this involves Tenipuri, I will laugh in your face if you ask for something involving anime-only canon.