how are they even REAL?

Nov 14, 2008 01:21

ok, some of you MAY have heard me talk scream about my most favorite band in the history of the world, Empires.

both Howl, their full length album and All Night Long their single off Howl are up for your buying pleasure on Amazon. As of right now they're not on iTunes, but it is coming if that is your preferred music buying medium. (I prefer amazon personally, they have mp3s instead of the itunes only m4a/m4p stuff. it's easier on my brain even though I use itunes)

and if you don't want to spend the money on them (SERIOUSLY THOUGH, you should because they deserve all of it because they are totally awesome), Howl is still free at their website

and if you can't download Howl or All Night Long because of dial up (god, Shame is SO AMAZING, how are these boys even REAL?) talk to me. We might be able to work something out.

and I really need to go to bed, I have to work tomorrow.

music, empires, fangirling

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