cracktastically epic

Jul 24, 2008 17:26

okay, so I may or may not have had this idea for this REALLY FUCKING CRACKTASTICALLY EPIC high school rps au fic. With like, EVERYONE I HAVE EVER READ/WRITTEN/THOUGHT ABOUT WRITING/LUSTED AFTER ever

And I had initially thought that separate fandoms would be the groups/cliques/extra curriculars or their classes, but then I thought, screw that and just mixed them all up.

Rain's Cracktastically Epic High School RPS AU (this is totally just a rough start on people and by no means everybody I would include if this pipe dream ever got written)

Andy Cooper senior
Jon Stewart junior
Steve Carell junior
Jon Walker senior
Sam Bee sophmore
Jane Loughman senior
David Hewlett senior
Stephen Colbert

Victoria Asher (Vicky-T)
Alex Suarez
Ryland Blackington
Julian Barratt
Ryan Ross junior
Spencer Smith sophmore
Nate Novarro freshman
Drake Bell

Jake Shears sophmore
William Beckett
Brendon Urie
Lucas Grabeel junior
Corbin Bleu freshman
Billie Piper senior

Milo Ventimiglia freshman
Amy Sedaris
Zach Levi
Cillian Murphy
Michael Cera
Paul Dano
Paul Dinello
John Oliver
Callum Keith Rennie
Josh Peck

Adrian Pasdar senior
Jensen Ackles
Jared Padalecki
Tom Welling
Zach Quinto
Hayden Panettiere
Kristen Bell
Russell Brand
Rob Riggle

Gabe Saporta
Noel Fielding
Adam T. Siska
Andy Mroteck
Sendhil Ramamurthy

David Tennant
Gerard Way

*is pretty sure she has lost a significant amount of marbles somewhere along the way*

fic, fic: crack, crack, epic, fic: mine

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