being human can be important... especially when you're not

Mar 08, 2008 00:57

back!... ish. Parentals are being less picky about the internets, we'll see how long that lasts.

Anyway! The best thing that I came back to from while I was out is probably the BBC's new pilot Being Human. It. Is. Amazing.

Here is a picspam showing off the amazing prettiness of everyone involved with the show.

It's basically about these two blokes, Mitchell and George, whom we find out are a Vampire and a Werewolf, respectively. They are best mates, and work at a hospital together. They decide to try to be more normal, to be more human, they are going to get a house together.

They find this nice little place, (George is in love with the kitchen and is estatic over finding a couch instead of a futon (which Mitchell hates), and squees about it, all of which causes the real estate lady to think they are a couple. Mitchell plays along and they are v. adorable) and move in. Eventually though, weird stuff starts happening, and they find out they have a third roomate, Annie the Ghost.

Then there is more of them being (relatively) normal and they go to a pub and have fun and George asks Annie what she would do if she won £10 million, her answer: buy Colin Firth (who wouldn't?).

There's also some sub-plot about the other vampires wanting to take over the world, but I hope if it gets picked up that isn't very important. Mitchell doesn't want to and that's good enough for me!

Once you've seen it, go and SIGN THE PETITION asking BBC3 to make it into a full series!

I was in the mood last night, and I love George, so there's quite a bit of him in this bit XD




to use: set as desktop, but use the center position choice, and set the color as black, so you can use this with just about any size screen

also: I forgot to add SGA tonight was AMAZING OMG, semirose hasn't seen it yet, so I'm not going to spoil, but OMG! JEANNIE! LORNE! RODNEY! KELLER! RONON! SAM! ASLDKFASD OMG <3 And I liked this season's cliffhanger better than last :D

icons, wallpaper, being human, icons: being human, wallpaper: being human

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