at least it's not like kafka

Dec 02, 2007 00:57

okay so I was wandering around spnstoryfinders looking for some fic.

I found:
Domestic Short-Hair where Jared is Jensen's cat who suddenly turns into a real boy
The Thing! where Sam is turned into a kitten
To Everyone Who Thinks Sam Looks Like a Puppy: You Have No Fucking Idea, by Dean Winchester where obviously, Sam turns into a puppy

that got some of us in chat started on transformation fics, and Maia (semirhage527) mentioned greenhouse_au as her favorite in any fandom. Which is where we meet Sunflower and Tulip, who bear a startling resemblance to our friends John and Rodney from the Pegasus galaxy.

oh I love crack <3

also, as much as I love Zach and Sasan, I think I might be switching my moodtheme...

fic, fic: crack, fic: recs, fic recs

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