fic: mylar vs. the flying pineapples (mylar_fic ficathon)

Jul 12, 2007 14:12

Title: Mylar vs. the Flying Pineapples
Author: unrequited_rain
Recipient: cerebel
Genre: fluff
Prompt: enchantment
Rating: R
Summary: Mohinder and Zane go to Santa Barbara and meet two of the SB's favorite detectives. (a gratuitous and crackalicious crossover)
Word Count: 784
Disclaimer: unfortunately I don't own any of these characters, as much as I'd LIKE to. I'm just playing in Tim Kring's sandbox
Author's Note: yay! it's retyped! my computer has been sent into dell to get the port adapter replaced and I realised I forgot to post this! so I've been retyping it straigt into lj since thursday. ALSO: I blame the end on Zachary Quinto's neck. it's just too yummy ;D

Zane and Mohinder wound up holding hands as they ran from the two men they had interrupted who were now throwing pineapples at them. Except, no they weren't throwing them, it was like the pineapples were chasing them.

"What did you say this guy's power was?" Zane half-yelled at Mohinder, while pulling him onto the beach to avoid another pineapple trying to dive-bomb them.

"I think it's quite clear what the man can do Zane," Mohinder said, fumbling slightly in the sand. "He can enchant objects to fly!"

"But why pineapples?" Zane uttered. "Why not something more dangerous, like car keys or steak knives?"

"Well, we did startle them." Mohinder paused and looked thoughtful. "And there were and awful lot of them lying around in there. Maybe they were the first thing at hand."

Abruptly Zane body slammed Mohinder to the ground, narrowly avoiding the pineapple making a beeline toward his head.

Zane looked down and suddenly realised Mohinder was pinned under him, and they were lined up head to toe. Zane's face reddened and he jumped up. Just then he spotted a dock and pulled Mohinder up and towards it.

"We can hide under here for a while. Hopefully they'll get bored with looking for us and go back to..." here Zane's face reddened a bit, "err, their previous activity."

Mohinder couldn't help chuckling at Zane's well, honestly, slight prudishness to name what the two men had been doing when they had interrupted them. Their 'previous activity' had been making out on the front desk of the detective agency.

Mohinder had known something was going on when Detective O'Hara had told them where Lassiter was, but that he might be busy for the rest of the day and it would be better off talking to him tomorrow. But Zane had insisted on swinging by this afternoon, so Mohinder figured he deserved whatever embarrassment he got.

They were huddled together under the dock when Mohinder heard footsteps, soon followed by a voice from above.

Zane started to speak, but Mohinder shushed him. He wanted to hear what the guy was saying. He still couldn't hear anything and when Zane tried to talk again Mohinder covered his mouth with his hand.

"Hey Lassy, dude I think they're gone!" came drifting down from above.

"Alright Spencer..." Mohinder overheard, but when Zane tried to talk again, Mohinder finally couldn't stand it and pulled Zane to him and kissed him.

It wasn't a very good kiss at first. Zane was incredibly surprised and Mohinder was very tense about being caught by the pineapple wielding maniac police detective. It was pretty much just two sets of lips mashed together in the hopes one would silence the other.

After a while though, Zane figured out what was going on and Mohinder relaxed as he heard the footsteps drift away.

They both sunk into the kiss as Mohinder opened his mouth to brush his tongue against Zane's lips, asking for access. He complied, and his hands wandered down Mohinder's front toying with the buttons till they finally settled on his waist, pulling Mohinder to straddle his front, laying back and making sure not to bang Mohinder's head on the wooden dock above them.

Mohinder worked his way from Zane's mouth tonguing along his jaw line across to his earlobe, then down his throat to suck on his adam's apple. Zane's eyes drifted shut as he enjoyed the waves of sensation crashing over him. His hands slid down to Mohinder's hips and tightened on them bringing them closer as he thrust up against them, bringing a loud gasp from Mohinder's previously occupied mouth.

He could feel Mohinder's breath against his throat, panting as he tried to get Zane's t-shirt off and over his head and still keep his mouth on Zane's neck.

"Mohinder," Zane tried to get his attention, but Mohinder was otherwise engaged, one hand trying to get his shirt off, the other between them playing with his zipper and his mouth still licking the underside of his jaw.

"Mohinder!" Zane got out half-strangled, as Mohinder had just ground his hips against Zane's.

"Hmm?" he hummed contentedly.

"Mohinder I think we should, oh GOD." Mohinder's hand had worked Zane's zipper open and was now fondling his erection. "We should go back to the HOTEL!" Zane ground out as he thrust into Mohinder's open hand.

"Why?" Mohinder murmured against his skin.

"Because," Zane gasped. "Because all I want to do right now is flip you over and fuck you into the ground." He whispered into Mohinder's ear, a new glint of steel shining through in his voice. He ground his hips into Mohinder's as an added punctuation.

Mohinder's eyes widened, his eyes practically black with desire. He kissed Zane hard, nipping at his bottom lip as he zipped him up and dragged him off toward their car.


did anybody spot the crossover? for those of you playing along at home, it's Psych! in honor of the season premire Friday :D if you don't watch it you SHOULD. it's AWESOME!

fic, heroes, fluff, fic: mohinder/sylar, fic: mine

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