fic: love and honor you

Sep 22, 2011 13:06

for my kink bingo square 'genderplay' (this again, might only count because I am the author and I say it counts.)

title: Love and Honor You
author: unrequited_rain
fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
pairing: Ed/Roy
word count: 602
rating: pg-15
notes: I think I started about four fics for this square before this one finally clicked. Um, unbeta'd, established relationship, no real spoilers for anything (there's more spoilers in my notes than the fic), set whenever your little heart desires but in my head it's an AU post manga/2009 series; Ed is still with the military and still rocking the automail and alchemy and not married to Winry.
title and cut text are from be my husband by nina simone

Ed wasn't paying attention to Mustang while he was checking into their room. So when the woman behind the desk smiled and said "I hope you and your wife have a nice time Mr. Vintner," Ed was rightly outraged. But before he could say anything Mustang stepped on his foot and grabbed his hand, effectively shutting Ed up. "Thank you," Mustang said with a smile. "I'm sure we will."

Ed glared as Mustang dragged him out of the lobby into the stairwell. "What the hell was that?" Ed hissed once they were out of earshot. "Are you telling people we're married now? Just because we're..."

"Fucking?" Roy filled in. Ed glared at him.

"Yes. That. It doesn't mean you can tell everyone you see whatever you like about us!" Ed was getting louder the longer he went on. "And why do people always assume I'm the woman huh? Is it beca-mmgh." Roy cut Ed off with a hand over his mouth.

"She made an assumption Fullmetal, one I felt it was in our best interests not to dissuade her of. In case you haven't noticed we are both rather recognizable." Ed nodded, but his face made it clear how much it pained him to agree. "Harrison will be expecting the military, or even the police, not a couple of newlyweds. Hopefully this way we can look around town without raising too much suspicion."

Ed pulled a face and Roy prepared himself for an argument, but then Ed sighed and seemed to deflate. "Why can't someone mistake you for a woman for once? You're all-" Ed waved a hand as if to encompass Roy's whole being. "Pretty and shit." Roy snorted. "When's it gonna be your turn to be the girl?"

"I don't know Edward," Roy smirked. "My legs just don't look as good in a skirt as yours do." Roy laughed as Ed punched him in the shoulder hard, but not with the automail so Roy knew he didn't really mean it.

The next day Ed flung open the door and stomped inside. "I just got a thirty minute lecture on 'how to please my man' from our proprietor." Roy couldn't keep himself from laughing as Ed flung himself onto the bed. "It seems she thinks I need help being more 'wifely'."

"I don't know, I think you'd make a pretty good wife." Roy mused, then immediately had to throw his arms up to deflect the pillows Ed launched at his head.

"Shut up!" Ed growled. But Roy saw the way Ed's ears flushed, a sure sign the rest of his face was just as red.

"I like the idea," Roy said quietly, moving to whisper in Ed's ear. "Being married, coming home to you every night." Ed gasped and rubbed his hips against the mattress. "You wearing my ring so everyone knows you're my wife."

Ed looked up at him now, pupils blown and only a thin line of gold outlining them. "Bastard," he growled as he rolled onto his back and pulled Roy on top of him. "I hate you," he muttered before kissing Roy.

"Good," Roy panted in between kisses. "I hear wives are supposed to hate their husbands."

Ed glared. "And you know, I hear that wives aren't supposed to put out when their husbands are being idiots." Roy pouted and Ed laughed. "Although I suppose that would mean I'd never get laid either.

"What a tragedy," Roy murmured. "Are you putting out tonight, wife of mine?"

Ed gave Roy a wicked grin. "Let's see how well you ask for it," and pulled him down to kiss again.

fic: ed/roy, fic, kink bingo, fic: fullmetal alchemist

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