fic: things we did and didn't do

Sep 22, 2011 11:16

for my kink bingo square 'silence'

title: Things We Did and Didn't Do
author: unrequited_rain
fandom: The Social Network
pairing: Eduardo/Mark
word count: 631
rating: pg-15
notes: still unbetad, still porn (or actually not. just kissing in this one). title and cut text is from The Magnetic Fields song of the same name. Mark and Eduardo accidentally get stuck alone in an elevator sometime during all the interviews. (I have only seen the movie once and never intended to write any fic for it until this all came spilling out of me one day at work in about six hours.)

The elevator stops and Eduardo sighs, very carefully not letting himself look at Mark. The lights flicker once, twice, before going out for good and the emergency lights come on. They cast an almost creepy blue glow over the elevator. He closes his eyes and tips his head back when Mark reaches for the red emergency phone. Mark speaks quietly and he tries to block it out, but he's never really been able to do that, probably never will. "It's gonna be a few hours," Mark says. His jaw clenches. "They don't know what's wrong. The power's out for about ten blocks." He nods and sinks to the floor. He doesn't want to jinx himself and say things can't get any worse, but he's hard pressed to think of a way it could happen.

Mark sits next to him, proven wrong again, and starts to say something. Eduardo doesn't know, doesn't care what he's about to say. He doesn't- can't listen, so he shuts Mark up the only way he can think of.

Mark's stunned into stillness- but not silence, still trying to talk into the kiss. Eduardo pulls away and growls "Shut up," before fisting a hand in Mark's shirt so he can pull him back in for another kiss. Mark does go quiet then, and for a minute Eduardo closes his eyes and pretends that this isn't something he's wanted forever, that they aren't currently in the middle of an epic legal battle and that this isn't the only time he'll ever get to have Mark like this.

That he isn't still hopelessly in love with the asshole underneath him.

Within the space of a heartbeat Mark's gone from stone stillness to his hands wrapped around Eduardo's waist, trying to urge him into his lap. He goes, and Mark bucks his hips up with a choking little gasp, rubbing his dick against Eduardo's ass.

"Wardo-" Mark gasps and he shoves Mark hard against the elevator wall.

"No," he growls and kisses Mark again, all teeth and desperation.

Mark whimpers and his hands tear at Eduardo's shirt. Something hot and fierce starts in the pit of his stomach but dies down when Mark whispers, "Please, just-"

Mark's head makes a dull thump that echoes when Eduardo shoves him. "Don't talk, okay?" he notices his hands are trembling and he's inches away from shaking Mark. "You don't get to talk." His voice sounds rough and broken to his own ears, he can't imagine what it sounds like to Mark. Mark just stares at him like he's trying to look inside him. Eduardo growls and pulls Mark back to him, moving one hand up to tangle in Mark's messy curls. Mark gasps and throws his head back when Eduardo starts to leave a line of biting kisses down his jaw and neck, being careful not to leave any evidence that will show, despite how much he wants to. "God, I hate you so much sometimes," he whispers against Mark's neck. Mark's fingernails dig into his back at that, ten sharp points of pain that make him pull back to look, really look at Mark. His face is flushed and his lips are puffy and bruised. Mark looks like he wants to say something, and Eduardo thinks he might let him when they hear banging and grunting outside.

They spring apart just as the elevator doors open an inch and somebody's face peeps in at the very top. "Hey, are you two okay?" the guy asks.

"Yeah," Mark croaks out and his voice is hoarse like he's been screaming. "Yeah, we're fine."

Eduardo sighs and buries his face in his hands, feeling the furthest thing from fine. Neither of them can look at each other as they wait for the doors to open.

fic, the social network, kink bingo, fic: the social network, fic: eduardo/mark

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