omg. I made so many variations. I was freaking outtt. I was like 'OMGWILLTHEYLIKEITIHOPESOBUTIDKITSKINDOFUGLYTHEYBETTERLIKEITGOMGOMG'. Sorry that it took so long to get them out. I was going to publish dem with some other icons, but I didn't feel like making them. ANYWAY LIKE TWO OF YOU WERE LIKE 'I WANT ICONS', but didn't give me nothin'. So if you still want them - probably not - you can always just go back and fill it in. Though since this is me posting all of them, requests are closed. Woo woo woo. I need to stop calling everyone a girl omg I'm going to get bitch-slapped.
ellipsis_333 omg i am so sorry that i suck at text omg. i got soo mad at myself. but i left one that was blank so if you hate like the 9453 4 that i made, then you can like...idk
YAYYYY :DD Omg doing requests made me really happy. I feel like I really connected with you guise~ WE ARE SO FUCKING FAMILY FROM NOW ON TT-TT LOL BTW SORRY THAT ALL OF THESE SUCK. OMG I NEED TO LIKE DO SOMETHING TO LIKE IDK MAKE ME NOT SUCK. like get laid or something omfg idk.