Feb 11, 2007 10:59
last night i did math with napoleon. we worked until about 11 pm, then decided we were going to go outside in the frozen night and frolic. i put on my trenchcoat and napoleon put on his. i took out a coin from my pocket, napoleon flipped. heads left tails right. we went right, then left, then right. when we arrived at an intersection i taught napoleon how to use eenie meenie minie mo. since he was foreign one couldn't expect him to have already known.
we soon arrived at an empty pool. well, almost empty- the remaining water was frozen. we descended from the steps and swam to the end of the pool and back and cracked the ice with our feet. i told napoleon it would have been nice if I had brought my camera. napoleon said he had a camera phone, though for him this would be the first time using it. napoleon took a picture of me doing a pool handstand. I took a picture of him struggling to swim. we left.
then we discovered a playground and park. we swung for a while but it got boring so I climbed up on the jungle gym. napoleon told me he did not like to climb. at the top of the jungle gym, i looked at the stars and the big dipper was to my left and that orion constellation was to my left. napoleon complained about light pollution. so i gave up, stole a ball from a baby, and we played soccer in the park. it was no surprise to me that he liked soccer because napoleon is foreign after all.
we saw a cat stalking through the night.
on the way back home, we decided to stop by harvard university press, break in, and make books. unfortunately, someone had already beat us to it, because as I sneaked up on a lighted window, there was someone there shuffling papers, and nobody works at midnight on a saturday night. but all was not lost-- the trip to the press led us to find a row of garages and we concluded that there must have been a dead body in one of them. napoleon guessed a door and i was monty hall. the prize was the dead body. i released a garage door to find a toyota. therefore, did napoleon have a 1/3 probably to discover a dead body?
napoleon wanted to go to bed. i was surprised because i thought napoleons don't sleep but rather strategize at night. i guess everybody's human after all. the lack of sleep must have been an exaggeration to make him larger than life.